Hacking WhatsApp

Spy your Girlfriend's WhatsApp:

Note: Hacking is an illegal process in some countries, So we are not responsible for anything we are providing all information for Educational purpose Only.

1. Wi-Fi / internet Access to your phone.
2. Victim's phone
3. A Rooted phone to spy
4. Brain 😁
5. Patience

Follow these Steps to Hack WhatsApp:

Step 1: Uninstall Whatsapp from your Phone
This is the first phase in this process. First of all, you need to uninstall your Whatsapp application from your Android device or iPhone. You have to install it back at the last of this method, but you have to configure it differently. So Uninstall your Whatsapp first.

Step 2: Get your target’s Phone
This move may be the hardest for you because sometimes we don’t have physical access to the target’s phone. But if you have physical access to your target’s phone then you have to get this for some time. You need your target’s phone for two times in this process it will not take too long. You can quickly put it back in the place where you get from in a just a couple of minutes.

Step 3: Find Target’s Phone’s MAC Address
As we were already written about  MAC Address that MAC address is a unique identification number that essentially serves as its online identity. Find your Target’s MAC address and note it down for use.

MAC address is look like this 01:23:45:as:as:as

For Android Phones – Settings –> About Phone –> Status –> Wifi MAC address

For an iPhone – Settings –> general –> About –> Wi-fi Address

On a Windows Phone – Settings –> about –> More info –> Mac Address

On a BlackBerry – Options –> Device –> Device and Status info –> WLAN MAC

Step 4: Find your MAC address also using these instructions above. So not forgot to save it because after the process complete you have to reset your MAC address back on your device so Write down it.

Step 5: Change your MAC address

This is the most important step so read carefully. Now you have to change your Phone’s MAC address to that of your Target. This will allow your phone to pass as your target’s, letting you convince WhatsApp that you are your target when you log in.

On an iPhone install a MAC spoofing app like MacDaddy or WifiSpoof. Use that to spoof MAC Address.

On Android, Install MAC address changer app and change your phones MAC address to that of target's Victim's MAC Address

Step 6: Install WhatsApp
Now you have to install WhatsApp usually from the app store. Now your phone is working like your target’s phone. Enter your target’s Phone Number to Set up Whatsapp. This will allow you to receive their messages and send messages from their account.

Step 7: Get WhatsApp Verification Code
This is the last step in your Process. You will need your target’s phone for just 15 seconds to look up the verification code. Enter the code in your phone and start accessing your target’s Whatsapp. Do not Forget to delete the confirmation SMS from Your Target’s Phone.

When you are happy and done with hacking, only Change back Your MAC address to your own.


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